The Federal Ministry of Education and Research prioritizes education and research as cornerstones for national progress. Their approach focuses on lifelong learning, ensuring equal opportunities, fostering global collaboration in science and education, and driving innovation through initiatives like the High-Tech Strategy. With substantial funding and transparent information sharing, they aim to propel society forward by nurturing talent and addressing global challenges.
Selected Key Projects
- 6G-life Hub (2021-2025)
- Selected PIs: Prof. Dr. Holger Boche, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kellerer, Prof. Dr. Sandra Hirche, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kellerer, Prof. Dr. Eckehard Steinbach, Prof. Dr. Sami Haddadin
- BIGEKO (2023-2026)
- Selected PIs: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André
- MaGriDo – Mathematics for Machine Learning Methods for Graph-Based Data with Integrated Domain Knowledge (2020-2023)
- Selected PIs: Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok
- Munich Center of Machine Learning (since 2012)
- Selected PIs: Prof. Dr. Bernd Bischl, Prof. Dr. Daniel Cremers, Prof. Dr. Alena Buyx, Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok, Prof. Dr. Eyke Hüllermeier, Prof. Dr. Frauke Kreuter, Prof. Dr. Björn Ommer, Prof. Dr. Albrecht Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Barbara Plank, Prof. Dr. Hinrich Schütze
- ViLeArn_more (2022-2024)
- Selected PIs: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André