The MCML is a joint initiative of leading researchers of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) and Technische Universität München (TUM). MCML was founded in August 2018 as a BMBF-funded competence center for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. It now consists of more than 40 excellent research groups both in the field of application-oriented Machine Learning and in foundational research.
Learn more about the People behind MCML, and the Research Activities at MCML.

Important components of MCML are its transfer offers. For this purpose, MCML cooperates with other scientific institutions and companies. In addition to the training of students, there is a continuing education concept for internal and external interested parties from industry and science. This includes consulting in the area of statistics and ML, entrepreneurship training, and the bilateral transfer of methods and problems from industry, and training for AI users from industry.
Learn more about the Transfer Activities at MCML, the Collaborations at MCML and our Partners.

Our center is a dynamic and exciting place to work, study, and pursue research in the field of ML and AI. Whether you are looking for a job, funding, or education, we offer a range of opportunities to help you achieve your goals and make a meaningful impact in this exciting field.
Check out the Opportunities at MCML.